GlobalKick Youtube Gaming Page

GlobalKick Youtube Gaming Page

Whilst GlobalKick YouTube gaming page is a finished project currently, I keep it active as it still has a userbase which views it’s video.
I started this YouTube gaming page when I was younger and really wanted to share my experiences with one of my passions, video games. The first video dates right back to 2007.
This can be accessed on

Uploading videos on this site gave me such a great insight to how to edit and upload videos on the internet as YouTube was slowly becoming more popular. I used Windows Movie Maker (the only video editing software I could find free as a young teenager) to cut and edit moments from video games which I loved. This really gave me the passion to adventure more into creative and technology for my later life.

This began with me filming my television set playing a game, until I was able to afford buying a capture card so I could directly capture videos off the console itself.

Sadly, I deleted a lot of videos of this channel because I was fairly embarassed by my old work them as I became older! However, some videos still remain and I’ve learnt my lesson to never delete old work, regardless of how bad it is!

Both videos below show two videos I created using Windows Movie Maker in 2008.